NBE2005 - Network-Based Education, Rovaniemi 15.-17.9.2005
Programme Themes

NBE Network-Based Education
(Former PEG)

PEG, originally established in 1985, linked Logic Programming and Education. Gradually, PEG’s focus expanded to encompass all elements of intelligent computer, information and communication technologies (ICTs), and mobile technologies that involve teachers, students of all ages, as well designers and researchers. Thanks to this broadened interest, PEG is now known as NBE, Network-Based Education.

NBE has developed into an informal and friendly conference which participants attend regularly to exchange ideas and information. NBE-2005 will be the 12th international conference. NBE is an association of those interested in the relationship between information, and communication technologies (ICTs), and mobile technologies, teaching, studying and learning, and multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary (MIT) research processes.

For over a decade, the NBE international conferences have explored ideas at the cutting edge of developments in the fields of artificial intelligence, epistemology, psychology and education in relation to the interaction between teacher, learner, researcher, curriculum, culture and technology.


University of Lapland
Faculty of Education
Centre for Media Pedagogy (CMP)
P.O. Box 122
FI-96101 ROVANIEMI, Finland
Tel +358 16 341 341

University of Lapland, Centre for Media Pedagogy


Chair Heli Ruokamo
Pirkko Hyvönen
Miika Lehtonen
Jon Nichol
Seppo Tella


University of LaplandLet´s PlayLife as LearningState Provincial Office of LaplandEuropean Social FundCentre of Expertise for Digital Media, Content Production and Learning ServicesRegional  Council  of LaplandThe Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning Environments
Site design: Annakaisa Kultima