Global Education (GE)

Appendix 2



Below is the list of interview questions under 7 interview topics. Each topic begins with a lead question (LQ#) and is followed by further auxiliary questions (AQ#). The corresponding indicator questions per each interview topic are given in parentheses after each topic code. These interview questions are posed to veteran teachers or administrators and educational designers or scholars.

LQ1A (topic 1A) (i1-i5): How was the position and role of humans seen to differ (or not differ) from other beings on this planet?

AQ1   Was there a purpose seen for human life? Was it thought possible to find it? Was it considered to be different for every individual?
AQ2   What was thought to be the purpose for the existence of a human society? What was it considered to be needed for?
AQ3   What was the purpose of education?
AQ4   What things in all existence were thought of as "facts" and were, thus, undisputable and what things were considered as matters of opinion?

LQ2A (topic 2A) (i6-i13): What were the most important educational subjects and how were they taught?

AQ1   How was language taught, what was the approach?
AQ2   How was geography taught, what were the topics?
AQ3   How was mathematics taught, what were the aspects?
AQ4   How were arts/music taught, what was the purpose?
AQ5   How were social topics taught, what were the points?
AQ6   How was history taught, what were the topics?
AQ7   How was religion taught, what was the message?

LQ3A (topic 3A) (i14-i18): What was the role of educational feedback? How were students rewarded or punished?

AQ1   How were students encouraged (rewarded) for desirable and discouraged (punished) for undesirable behaviour?
AQ2   How were students encouraged (rewarded) for desirable and discouraged (punished) for undesirable ideas?

LQ4A (topic 4A) (i19-i22): What values predominantly guided people's social interaction, human relationships?

AQ1   Which goals or styles of life were seen worthy of pursuance and which ones as unworthy or wrong?
AQ2   What was the definition of a 'successful' individual?
AQ3   What types of human relationships were cherished by people (e.g. who was considered a 'true friend')?
AQ4   How were conflicts usually settled within the family?
AQ5   How were conflicts usually settled among friends?
AQ6   How were conflicts usually settled among colleagues?
AQ7   How were conflicts usually settled between strangers?

LQ5A (topic 5A) (i23-i25): What was thought to be the role of authority and leadership in the society? What was seen as its function?

AQ1   Was authority and a system of management seen as something necessary in e.g. in the family or the classroom or the village or the nation?
AQ2   How were decisions reached at in the family? In the school? In the political realm?
AQ3   What was considered to be a good leader? What were his/her qualities?

LQ6A (topic 6A) (i26-i33): What did an individual member of the society typically think of his/her role or function in the society? What about the role or function of a sub-culture?

AQ1   What things made a citizen feel he/she is really part of this particular nation? What brought patriotism?
AQ2   What was thought to be the sign of the success of the society as a whole? What were causes of national self-esteem?
AQ3   What was the value of an individual as part of the nation? How were his/her unique qualities valued and utilized?
AQ4   What was the value of a sub-culture or ethnic minority as part of the nation? How were its unique qualities valued and utilized?
AQ5   How did an individual value his/her own unique qualities? Did he/she think of these qualities as something useful for others, the whole society?
AQ6   How did a sub-culture or ethnic minority value its own unique qualities? Did it think of these qualities as something useful for others cultures, the whole society?
AQ7   What were considered to be the duties of the society towards its individual members?
AQ8   What were considered to be the duties of the society towards its sub-cultures or ethnic minorities?

LQ7A (topic 7A) (i34-i36): How was the future thought of by the society as a whole and by its individual members? What was thought to be the value of today's actions in relation to the future of the society?

AQ1   How was the near future of the nation perceived?
AQ2   How was the near future of the world perceived?
AQ3   How was the distant future of the nation perceived?
AQ4   How was the distant future of the world perceived?
AQ5   Was it thought possible to influence the future? How?
AQ6   Were educational choices thought essentially as means of influencing the future? How were such choices made?
AQ7   Were the actions of people valued (as right vs. wrong) in terms of their influence on the future?
AQ8   How were people thought to be able to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil?


Below is the list of interview questions under 5 interview topics. Each topic begins with a lead question (LQ#) and is followed by further auxiliary questions (AQ#). The corresponding indicator questions per each interview topic are given in parentheses after each topic code. These interview questions are posed to 'ordinary citizens' and some specialists.

LQ1B (topic 1B) (i1-i5): How is the position and role of humans seen to differ (or not differ) from other beings on this planet?

AQ1   Is there a purpose seen for human life? Is it thought possible to identify it? Is it considered to be different for every individual?
AQ2   What is thought to be the purpose for the existence of a human society? What is it considered to be needed for?
AQ3   What is the purpose of education?
AQ4   What things in all existence are thought of as "facts" and are, thus, undisputable and what things are considered as matters of opinion?

LQ2B (topic 2B) (i19-i22): What values predominantly guide people's social interaction, human relationships?

AQ1   Which goals or styles of life are seen worthy of pursuance and which ones as unworthy or wrong?
AQ2   What is the definition of a 'successful' individual?
AQ3   What types of human relationships are cherished by people (e.g. who is considered a 'true friend')?
AQ4   How are conflicts usually settled within the family?
AQ5   How are conflicts usually settled among friends?
AQ6   How are conflicts usually settled among colleagues?
AQ7   How are conflicts usually settled between strangers?

LQ3B (topic 3B) (i23-i25): What is thought to be the role of authority and leadership in the society? What is seen as its function?

AQ1   Is authority and a system of management seen as something necessary in e.g. in the family or the classroom or the village or the nation?
AQ2   How are decisions reached at in the family? In the school? In the political realm?
AQ3   What is considered to be a good leader? What are his/her qualities?

LQ4B (topic 4B) (i26-i33): What does an individual member of the society typically thing of his/her role or function in the society? What about the role or function of a sub-culture?

AQ1   What things make a citizen feel he/she is really part of this particular nation? What brings patriotism?
AQ2   What is thought to be the sign of the success of the society as a whole? What are causes of national self-esteem?
AQ3   What is the value of an individual as part of the nation? How are his/her unique qualities valued and utilized?
AQ4   What is the value of a sub-culture or ethnic minority as part of the nation? How are its unique qualities valued and utilized?
AQ5   How does an individual value his/her own unique qualities? Does he/she think of these qualities as something useful for others, the whole society?
AQ6   How does a sub-culture or ethnic minority value its own unique qualities? Does it think of these qualities as something useful for others cultures, the whole society?
AQ7   What are considered to be the duties of the society towards its individual members?
AQ8   What are considered to be the duties of the society towards its sub-cultures or ethnic minorities?

LQ5B (topic 5B) (i34-i36): How is the future thought of by the society as a whole and by its individual members? What is thought to be the value of today's actions in relation to the future of the society?

AQ1   How is the near future of the nation perceived?
AQ2   How is the near future of the world perceived?
AQ3   How is the distant future of the nation perceived?
AQ4   How is the distant future of the world perceived?
AQ5   Is it thought possible to influence the future? How?
AQ6   Are educational choices thought essentially as means of influencing the future? How are such choices made?
AQ7   Are the actions of people valued (as right vs. wrong) in terms of their influence on the future?
AQ8   How are people thought to be able to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil?